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M.O.M. "Moments"
Yissy Garcia Y Bandancha "Light"
Sébastien Farge "Origines"
Sébastien Farge - concert at the Pan Piper (Paris 11è)
Mangane "Zoom Zemmat" - Interview
Mangane "Zoom Zemmat" - Résidence au Centre Culturel de Limoges Jean Gagnant
Damien Fleau "Rogue Waves"
Damien Fleau "The Missing"
Damien Fleau "Breaking Waves"
Festen "Replicant"


m-o-m-en-tournee-exceptionnelle-aux-u-s-aSaturday 22 October, 2022

M.O.M en Tournée exceptionnelle aux U.S.A

Very rare are the French formations to be able to present themselves on the North American Territory and in particular the United States. Although François Moutin has been an American citizen for many years, the fact remains that setting up a Tour on site requires substantial work for a very demanding public, proof that M.O.M has been able to...Lire la suite
sebastien-farge-origines-la-presse-en-parle-et-aussi-en-concert-au-pan-piper-parisSaturday 22 October, 2022

Sébastien Farge “Origins”, the Press talks about it... and also in concert at the Pan Piper –...

The release of this 2nd album by Sébastien Farge on Laborie Jazz pleasantly surprised the Press and the Jazz Media in France. Now : “MUST” selection on TSF Jazz “The album is magnificent” - Alex Dutilh – Open Jazz – France Musique “We follow this album trying not to capsize. The emotional charge...Lire la suite
sortie-physique-digitale-de-l-album-de-damien-fleau-breaking-wavesSaturday 22 October, 2022

Physical & digital release of Damien Fleau's album "Breaking Waves"

Already several years that we work, exchange, share with Damien Fleau, on many subjects, music of course but also Life, Cultures, the environment... In FESTEN, the saxophonist had surprised us with his playing, powerful, subtle, a real, easily identifiable sound, associated with the musician, the composer. A quality of writing that transports, that...Lire la suite
creation-de-mangane-zoom-zemmatt-dans-le-cadre-du-17eme-festival-eclats-d-email-jazz-edition-limoges-87Saturday 22 October, 2022

Creation of MANGANE “Zoom Zemmatt”

November 21 at the Cultural Center of Limoges Jean Gagnant as part of the 17th Festival Eclats D'Email Jazz Edition - Limoges (87). It has already been several years since LABORIE Jazz became aware of the talent of Mangane, an extraordinary voice where tonality and accent transport us immediately, to Africa of course, but far beyond. A voice that...Lire la suite
physical-and-digital-release-france-world-of-sebastien-farge-s-album-originesMonday 05 September, 2022

Physical and digital release France & World of Sébastien Farge's album...

We had almost left Sébastien Farge after his Grand Prix du Disque "Gus Viseur 2015", where his vibrant tribute to Jean Ségurel associated with some personal compositions, confirmed an immense talent and gave a glimpse of an unusual vision of the accordion for the benefit of LA music. Curious, passionate about his instrument, its...Lire la suite
physical-and-digital-release-france-world-of-the-disc-of-yissy-garcia-bandancha-lightMonday 05 September, 2022

Physical and digital release France & World of the disc of Yissy Garcia & Bandancha...

Cuba is experiencing a new revolution... sound! Yissy García y Bandancha are perhaps the best example of this avant-garde mixing classic Cuban music with jazz, hip-hop and funk music. The samples that adorn the modern compositions of the young artist, her mastery of tempo and the imagination she displays in her drum solos are simply...Lire la suite
mangane-residency-at-the-jean-gagnant-cultural-centerMonday 05 September, 2022

Mangane residency at the Jean Gagnant Cultural Center

From September 05 to 09: Residence of Mangane at the Jean Gagnant Cultural Center with the start of his Creation "Zoom Zemmatt", which will be presented in concert on November 21, 2022, still at the CCM J.Gagnant as part of the 17th Festival Eclats D' Email Jazz Edition. At the end of this concert, the entire Mangane group will then enter the studio...Lire la suite
qobuz-summer-fest-2022-jusqu-a-80Thursday 04 August, 2022

Qobuz Summer Fest 2022 : jusqu'à -80%

  From August 1 to 31, 2022, Qobuz, the download platform, is offering its Summer Fest! More than 20,000 albums are available, up to -80% off! A beautiful collection of productions from the Laborie label is represented there. .   >>> Enjoy Qobuz Summer Fest 2022Lire la suite
les-grands-espaces-de-retourFriday 06 May, 2022

Les Grands Espaces sont de retour...

  L’évènement, entamé en 2019 à Villefavard, se poursuit et a pris de l’ampleur. Désormais, 5 communes, 5 espaces culturels se sont associés pour accueillir plus de 15 concerts avec 5 groupes du Label Laborie Jazz, parmi les plus intéressants du moment sur la Scène Jazz...Lire la suite
new-teaser-by-madeleine-cazenave-rougeWednesday 16 February, 2022

New Teaser by Madeleine CAZENAVE “ROUGE”

Announced for a whole series of concerts in June as part of LES GRANDS ESPACES but also the 17th Festival Eclats D'Email Jazz Edition which will be held from November 17 to 27, ROUGE shares its new teaser with us.   Madeleine Cazenave: Piano and CompositionSylvain Didou: Double bassBoris Louvet: Drums     Lire la suite
1st-concert-of-benjamin-bobenrieth-nahia-s-soul-the-vox-at-st-christoly-de-blaye-march-04Monday 31 January, 2022

1st concert of Benjamin BOBENRIETH "NAHIA'S SOUL" - The VOX at St CHRISTOLY de BLAYE -...

Nahia's Soul... The word Nahia has different complementary meanings in Basque, Ancient Greek and Arabic. Desire and envy (in the sense of something consciously wanted and desired) in Basque, flow, and feeling of continuum, of fluidity in Greek and, finally, of consciousness in Arabic. The name of the album Nahia's Soul therefore evokes a...Lire la suite
concert-by-silvia-ribeiro-ferreira-alma-branca-on-february-16-at-the-ccm-jean-gagnantMonday 17 January, 2022

Concert by Silvia RIBEIRO FERREIRA “ALMA BRANCA” on February 16 at the CCM Jean Gagnant

The cultural and artistic project "Alma Branca" combines in a complementary way and for the purposes of creation and cultural action an original repertoire that navigates between jazz, improvised music and traditional music. Compositions by Silvia RIBEIRO FERREIRA inspired by the history, the roots and her Portuguese-speaking origins, placed in the...Lire la suite
yannick-rieu-and-his-group-machinations-in-creation-residency-in-franceWednesday 03 November, 2021

Yannick Rieu and his group “MachiNations” in creation residency in France!

As part of a collaboration between the Musique de Nuit association and Yari Productions, the Rocher de Palmer will welcome the Canadian composer and saxophonist Yannick Rieu and his various projects in creative residency for a pilot project lasting 2 years in 2021 and 2022 (creation, master class, clinic, digital dissemination of residency activities...Lire la suite
festen-en-studio-pour-leur-2eme-album-sur-laborie-jazzSaturday 11 September, 2021

FESTEN in studio for their 2nd album on Laborie Jazz

From October 16 to 20 - Recording of FESTEN's 2nd album on the Label. Damien and Maxime FLEAU, Jean KAPSA and Oliver DE GABRIELE are back for the preparation and recording of a new jewel inspired and cut in the footsteps of Ridley SCOTT. BLACKBOX studio (49).Lire la suite
les-grands-espaces-2022-en-juin-prochainSaturday 11 September, 2021

« Les Grands Espaces 2022 »... next June

Several of our Partners present their annual Season this month. The Espace Jean CARMET in LE VIGAN (46), the Auditorium Sophie DESSUS in UZERCHE (19) will be the first to announce the arrival of “GRANDS ESPACES 2022” in their City, with in particular: Benjamin BOBENRIETH “NAHIA 'SOUL” / FESTEN / RED / Simon DENIZART "NOMAD"...Lire la suite
osez-l-experience-le-mois-de-limoges-metropole-a-la-maison-de-la-nouvelle-aquitaine-a-parisSaturday 11 September, 2021

« Osez l’expérience », the month of Limoges Métropole...

Limoges Métropole and its Intercommunal Tourist Office invest the premises of the Maison Nouvelle Aquitaine located in the 1st arrondissement of Paris, throughout the month of September, for the Month of Limoges Métropole, under the sign of "Dare to Experience" . The operation consists of highlighting the strengths of our community...Lire la suite
du-4-au-13-juin-les-grands-espacesFriday 04 June, 2021

Du 4 au 13 juin – « LES GRANDS ESPACES »

Du 4 au 13 juin – « LES GRANDS ESPACES », 15 concerts, 5 communes de Nouvelle-Aquitaine et d'Occitanie réunies pour accueillir Leïla MARTIAL « WARM CANTO », Gaël ROUILHAC « WATERWORKS », Les QUATRE VENTS et Lorenzo NACCARATO « NOVA RUPTA ». Les Grands Espaces... la formule peut...Lire la suite
sortie-de-l-album-impermanence-de-lioness-shapeFriday 07 May, 2021

Sortie de l’album « Impermanence » de Lioness Shape

« Somos tantas »... Pour que les femmes soient plus que beauté et tranquillité. Pour qu’elles expriment leur art, et développent leur créativité. Pour qu’elles se rendent compte de cette force incroyable qu’elles ont en elles. Force qu’elles s’efforcent de réprimer...Lire la suite
madeleine-cazenave-sur-rts2-radio-television-suisseThursday 29 April, 2021

Madeleine Cazenave sur RTS2

  Merci à nos Amis de RTS 2 (Radio Télévision Suisse), Benoit PERRIER dans le cadre de son émission « L’Echo des pavanes » pour cette interview de Madeleine CAZENAVE. A écouter en podcast...Lire la suite
nos-artistes-en-podcast-dans-open-jazz-d-alex-dutilhThursday 29 April, 2021

Nos artistes en podcast dans Open Jazz d'Alex Dutilh

Retrouvez en podcast Alex DUTILH dans OPEN JAZZ avec les sorties d’albums de Madeleine CAZENAVE et de Simon DENIZART https://www.francemusique.fr/emissions/open-jazz/rouge-les-polychromes-de-madeleine-cazenave-94156Lire la suite
salon-international-jazzaheadFriday 23 April, 2021

Salon International JAZZAHEAD

Comme chaque année, le Salon JAZZAHEAD donne rendez-vous aux professionnels, artistes, producteurs, éditeurs, du 29 avril au dimanche 2 mai à Brême (Allemagne).   Toutes les informations sur https://jazzahead.de  Lire la suite
sortie-de-nomad-de-simon-denizart-elli-miller-maboungouFriday 23 April, 2021

Sortie de « Nomad » de Simon Denizart & Elli Miller Maboungou

Les tableaux, les vies, se plantent les uns après les autres, s’enracinent dans notre conscient et nous font trembler comme un végétal fragile. Simon Denizart sait parfaitement exprimer cette fragilité et ce déroulé scénique qui amènent au dénouement. L’univers et...Lire la suite
sortie-de-derriere-les-paupieres-du-trio-rougeFriday 16 April, 2021

Sortie de « Derrière les Paupières » du trio Rouge

  Dans l’univers de ROUGE, trois pigments suffisent à déstabiliser les couleurs connues et nous entraînent dans une odyssée chromatique. Entourée de Sylvain Didou (contrebasse) et de Boris Louvet (batterie), la pianiste Madeleine Cazenave déploie sa palette sonore sans jamais s’emmêler...Lire la suite
junk-page-le-journal-culturel-addictif-et-gratuitMonday 05 April, 2021

JUNK PAGE, le Journal Culturel, addictif et gratuit

Sortons aussi de notre propre actualité du label pour mettre en avant des entreprises et des équipes qui méritent votre attention et surtout votre consultation. JUNK PAGE attisera votre curiosité, votre savoir et votre bien être en Région Nouvelle Aquitaine... nous, on adore ! Nous reviendrons tous les mois...Lire la suite
nouvelle-production-avec-benjamin-bobenrieth-au-studio-oui-direSaturday 27 March, 2021

Nouvelle production avec Benjamin Bobenrieth au Studio Ouï-Dire

Du 22 au 27 mars, le Studio Ouï-Dire a ouvert ses portes à la nouvelle production de Benjamin Bobenrieth. « Nahia’Soul », 64ème enregistrement du label et 2ème album de Benjamin Bobenrieth sur le Label, a été vécu comme une vraie bouffée d’oxygène, un retour a des...Lire la suite
sortie-du-vinyle-warm-canto-de-leila-martialMonday 22 February, 2021

Sortie du vinyle Warm Canto de Leïla Martial

Doublement consacrée durant cette année 2020, en janvier par l’Académie du Jazz (Newsletter été 2020) et en octobre par les Victoires du Jazz, Leïla Martial poursuit sa quête de rencontres, de collaborations, sa boulimie de travail et nous... nous essayons de la suivre pour notre plus grand...Lire la suite
laborie-jazz-desormais-egalement-disponible-sur-bandcampWednesday 17 February, 2021

Laborie Jazz , désormais également disponible sur Bandcamp

Depuis le mois de février, une partie du catalogue du Label Laborie Jazz est présent sur la plateforme américaine Bandcamp.     https://labellaborie.bandcamp.com     Magasin de musique en ligne qui s’adresse principalement aux artistes indépendants, les labels peuvent aussi prétendre...Lire la suite
itamar-borochov-elu-revelation-2020-avec-son-album-blue-night-par-le-letterone-rising-stars-jazz-awardsThursday 11 February, 2021

Itamar Borochov, élu Révélation 2020, avec son album Blue Night, par le LetterOne Rising Stars Jazz...

La quatrième édition annuelle du très acclamé `` RISING STARS '' Jazz Award de LetterOne a annoncé ses lauréats le 6 février 2021, via une diffusion en direct mondiale exclusive sur WBGO de NPR - la station de radio n ° 1 de Jazz - aux États-Unis. 725 artistes à venir ont...Lire la suite
24eme-prix-opus-jazz-machinations-de-yannick-rieu-album-de-l-anneeMonday 08 February, 2021

24ème Prix Opus Jazz – MachiNations de Yannick Rieu, album de l’année

Le saxophoniste et compositeur Yannick Rieu remporte l’Opus album de l’année en jazz pour Machinations. Nous en donc profitons pour republier et repartager la chronique d’album Christophe Rodriguez sur cet album. « Yannick Rieu est un honnête travailleur et pour paraphraser notre ami Serge Truffaut du Devoir : Un...Lire la suite
yannick-rieu-remporte-le-prix-andre-cagnon-de-la-spacq-dans-la-categorie-musique-instrumentaleThursday 17 December, 2020

Yannick Rieu remporte le Prix André Cagnon de la SPACQ dans la catégorie Musique Instrumentale

Le saxophoniste et compositeur Yannick Rieu remporte le Prix André Gagnon de la SPACQ dans la catégorie musique instrumentale. Voici l’échange que j’ai eu avec le musicien bien installé devant son foyer de sa belle maison de campagne. Yannick était étonné et content de recevoir le prix...Lire la suite
m-o-m-l-union-fait-la-joieMonday 30 November, 2020

M.O.M, l’union fait la joie

Attention « chaud devant » !!! On vous l’avait annoncé au mois d’août et on avait tout préparé pour que cette production s’inscrive dans la lignée de ce que l’on aime faire. Le Studio Sextan comme écrin de choix, Vincent Mahey, François Hyvernat et Arthur Gouret,...Lire la suite
lioness-shape-impermanenceThursday 05 November, 2020

Lioness Shape « Impermanence »

Enregistré en juin et mixé cet été au Ouï-Dire Studio de Dominique & Johann Boos, masterisé au Studio de Raphaël Jonin, « Impermanence » est enfin prêt ! Commercialisation début 2021, mais l’heure est avant tout à la découverte et à faire...Lire la suite
gael-rouilhac-waterworks-une-presse-unanime-et-des-concerts-remarquesFriday 30 October, 2020

Gaël Rouilhac « Waterworks », une presse unanime et des concerts remarqués

Sorti le 25 septembre dernier, « Waterworks » s’est faufilé entre les gouttes et a pu avoir une belle visibilité et une écoute auprès des médias. « Tout coule de façon fluide et on se laisse emporter par les envolées des trois complices, d’une justesse et d’une...Lire la suite
les-victoires-du-jazz-2020Saturday 24 October, 2020

Les Victoires du Jazz 2020

Retour sur les Victoires du Jazz avec deux lauréats du Label, Leïla Martial « Artiste Vocale » et Paul Lay « Artiste instrumental », des récompenses qui viennent ponctuées deux remarquables parcours artistiques que nous sommes fiers de défendre depuis de nombreuses années. Le...Lire la suite
indies-first-soutenez-les-labels-et-distributeurs-independantsTuesday 13 October, 2020

INDIES FIRST : Soutenez les labels et distributeurs indépendants

  On a toutes et tous connu une rentrée avec la boule au ventre. Celle de 2020 en sera une pour nombre d’entre nous. Elle le sera en tout cas pour les labels indépendants. Curieux, exigeants, audacieux, mordants, imprévisibles, ils accompagnent au quotidien et sont les premiers garants de la diversité et de la...Lire la suite
m-o-m-on-air-from-september-1st-to-4thMonday 31 August, 2020

M.O.M, ON AIR from september 1st to 4th

M.O.M, implied Louis Moutin / Jowee Omicil / François Moutin where the meeting of three "kids" determined to do battle around everything that this music can bring. As often, the meeting a few months ago, in 2019, was a surprise, an unexpected moment, a film set for Netflix, the series "The Eddy" and there, a few moments of free, communication...Lire la suite
1st-album-for-this-guitarist-composer-steeped-in-talentMonday 29 June, 2020

1st album for this guitarist, composer steeped in talent

"Waterworks"! Here we are !Between the Label Laborie Jazz and Gaël Rouilhac, it's a patient and passionate story. Present on different editions of the Festival Eclats d'Email Jazz Edition (www.eclatsdemail.com) and in several formulas where he was a leader, Gaël has long matured a work of personal composition by trying to put all his...Lire la suite
sama-7th-anne-paceo-album-on-the-labelMonday 29 June, 2020

Samâ , 7th Anne Paceo album on the label

Release September 11, only vinyl and digital versions. In a logical continuation of her work in « Bright Shadows », Anne Paceo offers us a sequel in vinyl and digital version only, three new pieces and two superb live recordings, a homage to the Samâ sacred dance. In Arabic, Samâ is the sacred dance of the Sufi whirling...Lire la suite
lioness-shape-ambianceMonday 22 June, 2020

Lioness Shape... ambiance

10 tracks in the box, the album will be called "Impermanence". A very nice atmosphere and an excellent pace of work during this week, Johann & Dominique Boos at the controls, Clément Mettai & Guillaume Villegier at the cameras and Jean-Baptiste Millot at the photography, without forgetting Julien Gregorio and his "cuisine of Salle...Lire la suite
lioness-shape-on-air-from-june-14-to-19Sunday 14 June, 2020

Lioness Shape, ON AIR from june 14 to 19

We left for a week of recording, video recordings, photos. The whole label team is delighted to find the studios, especially since the recording of the LIONESS SHAPE was to take place at the end of March… everyone is back on deck, and the release of energy after this period will inevitably cause new sensations, new emotions. Great, this 1st...Lire la suite
new-laborie-jazz-catalogWednesday 27 May, 2020

New Laborie Jazz catalog

The Laborie Jazz catalog had not been updated since 2017. Something done now with this collection presenting all the productions made for 15 years.      Lire la suite
recording-lioness-shape-label-s-new-signatureSaturday 09 May, 2020

Recording Lioness Shape, label's new signature

From June 14 to 20, recording of the Lioness Shape Trio, the label's new signature, at Studio Ouï-Dire. Met in 2019, this very young formation from Toulouse surprises with its freshness and its dynamics. Three women, led by Manon Chevalier, singer, composer, Maya Cros on keyboards and Ophélie Luminati on drums. Young training but...Lire la suite
les-grands-espaces-villefavard-en-jazz-uzerche-en-jazz-cancelledThursday 07 May, 2020

Les Grands Espaces – Villefavard en Jazz & Uzerche en Jazz (CANCELLED)

After Villefavard en Jazz in June 2019, from June 12 to 14, this 2nd Meeting was to take place, now entitled Les Grands Espaces. Short formula to signify the importance for the Label of this report in proximity and intimacy with the public. Choose and work with professional rooms, in rural areas, who agree to host a different musical event in their...Lire la suite
mixing-and-mastering-gael-rouilhac-new-album-waterworksMonday 23 March, 2020

Mixing and mastering Gaël Rouilhac new album « Waterworks »

After the recording at the end of November at Studio Ouï-Dire, the month of March was devoted to the mixing and mastering sessions of Gaël Rouilhac's 1st album "Waterworks", to be released on September 25.    Lire la suite
leila-martial-at-the-vox-in-saint-christoly-de-blayeMonday 24 February, 2020

Leïla Martial at the Vox in Saint-Christoly de Blaye

A small town in the Gironde of around 2,000 inhabitants, Saint-Christoly de Blaye is developing an extraordinary cultural dynamic, notably with the rehabilitation of the old cinema hall, the Vox. Built in 1948, the Vox hall in Saint-Christoly de Blaye, was the very first cinema in Haute-Gironde, and now offers around fifteen performances a year:...Lire la suite
leila-martial-baa-box-in-the-jazz-academy-awardsTuesday 28 January, 2020

Leïla Martial Baa Box in the Jazz Academy Awards

During the evening organized on January 27, 2020 at the Pan Piper in Paris in the presence of personalities from Music, Cinema and Entertainment, the Academy of Jazz, chaired by François Lacaharme, awarded its prizes for the year 2019. In the "Vocal Jazz Prize" category, Leïla MartialL with her album "Warm Canto" won this Prize. Other...Lire la suite
action-jazz-meeting-contestSaturday 25 January, 2020

Action Jazz Meeting & Contest

Saturday 25 January, 8th edition of the Tremplin Action Jazz at the Rocher de Palmer, in Cenon. A springboard to detect the new talents of Jazz in the New Aquitaine Region, eight years that it has worked with an organization always neat and efficient. It is one of the flagship events of the Action Jazz association, always in search of discovery and...Lire la suite
release-of-paul-lay-new-album-deep-riversFriday 10 January, 2020

Release of Paul Lay new album « Deep Rivers »

Over 10 years of collaboration with pianist-composer Paul Lay and his 5th album under the Laborie Jazz Label, "Deep Rivers". An almost logical sequel to "Alcazar Memories", as this trio formed with Isabel Sörling and Simon Tailleu is of absolute finesse and subtlety. This time, it was by preparing the events related to the centenary of the...Lire la suite
franco-chinese-meetingsMonday 16 December, 2019

Franco-Chinese Meetings

From December 10 to 12, a Chinese delegation of music professionals was welcomed in Bordeaux with the support of the Nouvelle-Aquitaine Region and at the initiative of LABA and many players in the music industry. This invitation followed two trips to China last spring, in April and June, which again allowed several professionals from the New...Lire la suite
release-of-yannick-rieu-new-album-machinationsFriday 06 December, 2019

Release of Yannick Rieu new album « MachiNations »

Settled in Canada for many years, Yannick RIEU is one of the artists of great renown in North America. The reception of his album, licensed under the Label, is a real pleasure. This project is part of the desire - already started with the albums "Spectrum", "Non-Acoustic Project" and "Da Li" - to push further the investigations and the meeting of...Lire la suite
a-3rd-jazz-victory-for-anne-paceoThursday 17 October, 2019

A 3rd Jazz Victory for Anne Paceo

On October 16, 2019, on the occasion of the Jazz Victory Ceremony, Anne Paceo was named Artist of the Year with her album "Bright Shadows", thus winning her 3rd Jazz Victory ("Circles" in 2016 & "Empreintes" in 2010). A huge "congratulations" to Anne, her musicians, all the professionals who surround her projects and who each time constitute a...Lire la suite
back-to-ermi-jazz-2Monday 30 September, 2019

Back to ERMI'JAZZ#2

Laborie Jazz found its quarters at the Studio de l'Ermitage in Paris for a 2nd edition of ERMI'JAZZ which took place from 24 to 27 September. More communication, more audience, magnificent concerts, a France Music team specializing in energy and good musical humor, Nathalie Piolé, Alex Dutilh, at the controls and all the technical team to...Lire la suite
release-of-les-quatre-vents-albumFriday 27 September, 2019

Release of "Les Quatre Vents" album

Les Quatre Vents, the crossed inspirations of the fine feathers of French jazz today. Based in Marseille, the city beaten by the mistral, Perrine Mansuy and Christophe Leloil have long been carried away by the trade winds of international careers. Leaders, composers, arrangers and sidemen prized by the greatest (Archie Shepp, André...Lire la suite
ermi-jazz-2-le-label-laborie-remet-le-couvertSaturday 31 August, 2019

ERMI'JAZZ #2 : le Label Laborie remet le couvert...

Crée en 2006, le Label Laborie Jazz a su prendre sa place parmi les labels de production indépendants. La direction artistique n’a pas varié et se concentre essentiellement sur la signature de talents, compositeurs issu de la scène française et internationale. Talents repérés et affirmés...Lire la suite
aux-ronds-points-des-allumes-du-jazz-la-revueSunday 07 April, 2019

Aux ronds-points des Allumés du Jazz, the magazine

  To say it right away, is the mess, the mess of an avant-garde whose music would have gone well, mixing a mixture of delusional mercantilism, liquidation of value, technological goinfrerie, institutional supervision political perversity, forced uberisation, burial of language (Adieu!), advice of discipline, subordination to images without...Lire la suite
concert-of-anne-paceo-bright-shadows-at-the-104-in-parisSaturday 26 January, 2019

Concert of Anne Paceo "Bright Shadows" at the 104 in Paris

  1st parisian concert for the release of « Bright Shadows », the 104 is sold out for tuesday february 19, 2019. A good omen to announce the 2nd meeting that will take place in Paris, at the Philharmonie on June 15.   (Hyper)actively contributing to the dynamic of current French jazz, the young and intrepid drummer Anne Paceo...Lire la suite
takeover-of-the-export-business-in-the-united-kingdomSaturday 26 January, 2019

Takeover of the Export business in the United Kingdom

  Discovery Records gives way to Discovery Music Distribution. Following the end of activity last September, Discovery Records executives continue their activities through this new brand. This Company, highly appreciated for the quality of its work and its history, reaffirms its enthusiasm in a complex and diversified...Lire la suite
action-jazz-contestSaturday 26 January, 2019

Action Jazz Contest

  After the new success of the 2nd symposium in 2018, which enabled the various festivals to gather valuable information on the different types of funding and the concrete extension and / or complementarity of an institutional cultural policy, Action Jazz proposes, within the framework of of its 3 ° Crossed Meetings, to discuss...Lire la suite
release-of-bright-shadows-anne-paceo-s-new-albumFriday 25 January, 2019

Release of "Bright Shadows", Anne Paceo's new album

  "I never liked the boundaries between styles. These are the record stores that invented these boxes, but the music, it, exceeds all that. The important thing is that it speaks to the heart, to the soul, that it causes emotions, that it makes travel, that it inspires. " That's all the effect that gives us "Bright Shadows", Anne Paceo's new...Lire la suite
release-of-face-to-face-uriel-herman-s-new-albumFriday 25 January, 2019

Release of "Face to Face", Uriel Herman's new album

  A classical music pianist and composer, a graduate from the Jerusalem Academy, Uriel Herman astounds by his unique way of merging styles. With an incredible virtuosity, he distills a jazz infused with rock, with classical music, with klezmer tones, changing with equal success from an original composition to a piece taken from Israel’s...Lire la suite
laborie-at-a-reduced-priceMonday 07 January, 2019

Laborie at a reduced price

  Give yourself emotion and discovery!Benefit from 3 albums of the label for only 15 €!   At the beginning of the year, an exceptional offer on the Laborie Label! Trust us, let us prepare a box of 3 albums from a selection of our catalog to discover our artists. Upon receipt of your payment of € 15 + € 5.50 shipping...Lire la suite
presence-at-the-independent-label-marketThursday 04 October, 2018

Presence at the « Independent Label Market »

The SPPF organizes, on Saturday, October 6, 2018, at Espace des Blancs Manteaux, in the heart of Paris, the third French edition of the "Marché des Labels Indépendants", a variation of the "Independent Label Market" created in London in 2011, at the initiative of AIM (Association of Independent Music), which brings together nearly 200...Lire la suite
the-rim-general-assembly-will-take-place-on-october-2nd-and-3rdMonday 01 October, 2018

The RIM general assembly will take place on October 2nd and 3rd

The RIM gathers together 130 members of the Contemporary Music sector throughout the Nouvelle-Aquitaine region. These members work in the following fields: live entertainment, recorded music, accompaniment/education/transmission and media. Their shared ambition, within a common associative project, expands through four strategic areas: territorial...Lire la suite
the-new-signatures-uriel-herman-francois-louis-moutinFriday 14 September, 2018

The new signatures... Uriel Herman, François & Louis Moutin...

  The whole label team rejoice at their coming and above all at the work awaiting us to defend once more outstanding composers and worlds. The first of them that you will discover next November is Uriel Herman, with his first album : "Face to Face" .Lire la suite
nomination-for-the-french-jazz-victoriesMonday 10 September, 2018

Nomination for the French Jazz Victories

At the end of the second ballot of the "Victoires du Jazz / Victoires de la Profession" academy, the Laborie Jazz Label was nominated in the "Label of the Year" category. For their 16th edition, the Victories of Jazz stage themselves in the form of a great documentary film around the six winning artists that will be broadcasted by France 3 on...Lire la suite
september-a-very-classy-new-seasonMonday 03 September, 2018

September... a very classy new season !

6 albums coming out as of September 21st. There will be something for all ears and all kind souls. We love beautiful things and we assert it. Talents continue to be right on schedule and discoveries explode and radiate from Portugal to Sweden, from Paris to New York City, from Jerusalem to Toulouse... They come to the Laborie Jazz home for an...Lire la suite
ermi-jazz-quand-laborie-jazz-investit-le-studio-de-l-ermitage-pendant-une-semaineThursday 09 August, 2018

ERMI'JAZZ... quand Laborie Jazz investit le Studio de l'Ermitage pendant une semaine !

Crée en 2006, le Label Laborie Jazz a su prendre sa place parmi les labels de production indépendants. La direction artistique n’a pas varié et se concentre essentiellement sur la signature de talent, compositeur issu de la scène française et internationale. Talent repéré et affirmé mais...Lire la suite
laborie-jazz-at-the-midem-in-cannesMonday 28 May, 2018

Laborie Jazz... at the MIDEM in Cannes

MIDEM is the world’s largest gathering of companies working in the music industry, the International Market of the Musical Ecosystem where all the professionals of the sector (independent and major labels, editors, distributors, territorial collectivities, media, civil societies and professional bodies, but also entrepreneurs, brands) gather to...Lire la suite
laborie-jazz-strengthens-its-presence-in-beneluxThursday 17 May, 2018

Laborie Jazz strengthens its presence in Benelux

Already represented by its partner for physical distribution, Etcetera Records | Quintessence, Laborie Jazz strengthens its ties with the Redcat Artists booking agency, directed by Kati Van De Valde and the Stiletto press agency directed by Inge De Pauw, two partners well-known in their countries and throughout Europe for the quality of their...Lire la suite
general-meetings-of-the-rim-and-the-felinSunday 13 May, 2018

General Meetings of the RIM and the FELIN

On May 15 and 16, 133 RIM members will gather at the Confort Moderne in Poitiers for two days of workshops, meetings and debates. L’Oreille est Hardie and Jazz in Poitiers have partnered to host this Spring General Meeting which aims to be dynamic and interactive. >>> Read all about the program.     The FELIN (National...Lire la suite
paul-lay-almost-10-years-of-collaboration-and-an-exceptional-one-off-tour-in-chinaTuesday 08 May, 2018

Paul Lay... almost 10 years of collaboration and an exceptional one-off tour in China

The adventure with pianist Paul Lay started in 2009 and our exchanges quickly led the Label to sign Paul’s first album, “Unveiling”, that was released in 2010. What was already perceptible at that time was Paul Lay’s culture and knowledge of the history of jazz combined with his mastery of the instrument. His compositional...Lire la suite
annual-attendance-at-jazzahead-meetingThursday 19 April, 2018

Annual attendance at Jazzahead meeting

JAZZAHEAD is a key event of the international jazz scene. Created in Bremen in 2006, this event is a highlight of exhibition and encounters dedicated to a high quality cultural scene and to a more eclectic jazz. With its unique concept combining showcase festival, lectures, exhibitions and jazz clubs, this event has become the undisputed rallying...Lire la suite
laborie-lunch-the-gourmet-jazz-at-the-opera-with-paul-lay-and-eric-le-lannMonday 16 April, 2018

Laborie Lunch ... the gourmet jazz at the Opera with Paul Lay and Eric Le Lann

April 30th... Monday Lunch Laborie 3rd ! Last appointment on this 2017/2018 music season at the Opera of Limoges after hosting the pianists Simon Denizart and Lorenzo Naccarato, Paul Lay will invite Eric Le Lann for a duet of a rare complicity. Composer leader on the Label since 2009, Paul Lay has multiplied the meetings in recent years, Hugh...Lire la suite
fables-of-shwedagon-burma-land-of-tales-by-anne-paceoMonday 09 April, 2018

« Fables of Shwedagon »... Burma, land of tales by Anne Paceo

For several years, Anne has shared with us her wish and her desire to meet in foreign lands. Burma, currently Myanmar, is one of those directions that have attracted and trained her in this passion for exchange. After several stays in Burma, the reception in residence of Anne Paceo, by Denis Lebas and the Festival “Jazz sous les...Lire la suite
cassius-lambert-climate-radiation-from-swedenMonday 02 April, 2018

Cassius Lambert... climate radiation from Sweden

"Unbelievable. Nothing else. Unbelievable". Prodigy in his country, Sweden, absolutely unknown in France and in a large part of Europe, Cassius Lambert, 22 years old, bassist, composer joins Label Laborie Jazz. A whole universe opens before us, immense, strong and so touching. An alchemy of all styles, all influences for a unique...Lire la suite
festen-the-album-that-comes-out-every-monthMonday 02 April, 2018

Festen... the album that comes out every month

Stanley Kubrick's "Inside Stanley Kubrick", a 10-song album inspired by Stanley Kubrick's film scores, is training the whole team working on Festen in a new approach. An album that will be presented every month, from april 6 in digital, with a title, a visual, associated photos, clips... and this every month until September (except August). 5...Lire la suite
nasheet-waits-equality-on-tourFriday 16 March, 2018

Nasheet Waits Equality on tour !

Nasheet Waits and its quartet "Equality". A fantastic record for a Quartet just as fantastic. Nasheet Waits is today at the peak of its art, power and incredible presence on stage.   • 16/03 l National Jazz Scene l Oslo l NW • 17/03 l Harmonie l Oudenaarde l BE • 18/03 l Bimhuis l Amsterdam l NL • 21/03 l Porgy &...Lire la suite
the-oara-opens-the-doors-of-the-moliere-scene-d-aquitaine-to-usTuesday 06 March, 2018

The OARA opens the doors of the Molière - Scène d’Aquitaine to us

Very much involved in the support for musical creation and for jazz in particular (lately Edmond Bilal Band, Eric Séva, Fidel Fourneyron... ), the OARA allows a free rein to the Laborie Jazz Label at the Molière - Scène d’Aquitaine. Two residency periods from March 19 to March 30 with the much awaited new projects of Anne...Lire la suite
laborie-jazz-are-happy-and-proud-to-welcome-festen-on-their-labelTuesday 06 March, 2018

Laborie Jazz are happy and proud to welcome Festen on their Label

From left to right : Oliver Degabrielle / Jean Kapsa / Maxime Fleau / Damien Fleau A recent and fascinating encounter, bubbling in the image of the four pillars of this story, Damien (tenor saxophone) and Maxime Fleau (drums), Olivier Degabrielle (bass), and Jean Kapsa (piano)with a big thank you to Pascal Pilorget / GiantSteps for the connections and...Lire la suite
two-new-names-silvia-ribeiro-ferreira-and-benjamin-bobenriethMonday 26 February, 2018

Two new names, Silvia Ribeiro Ferreira and Benjamin Bobenrieth

Two new names, Silvia Ribeiro Ferreira and Benjamin Bobenrieth who show also the Label’s involvement in the career development of our best regional composer artists.   Silvia Ribeiro Ferreira A baritone, tenor and alto saxophone player, she started her classical training in 1988 at the Limoges Regional Conservatory. In the 2000s, her...Lire la suite
monday-lunch-laborie-welcome-at-the-opera-of-limogesThursday 22 February, 2018

« Monday Lunch Laborie » welcome at the Opéra of Limoges

Alain Mercier, the Director of the Opera of Limoges, and all his staff have wished to create, over the 2017/18 season, a series of special meetings around the Laborie Jazz Label, the “Laborie Monday Lunches”: a musical gourmet break during lunchtime, at 12:30. After pianist Simon Denizart last November, it will be Lorenzo...Lire la suite
lorenzo-naccarato-trio-on-tour-in-equadorMonday 12 February, 2018

Lorenzo Naccarato Trio on tour in Equador

On the initiative of the Alliances Françaises network in Ecuador and under the coordination of Charles Vix, the Director of the Alliance Française in Quito, Lorenzo Naccarato’s Trio will give a series of concerts in Portoviejo, Guayaqui, Loja, Cuenca and Quito from Feb.12 to Feb.22. Though Jazz still remains on the fringe of music...Lire la suite
in-the-studio-with-anne-paceoMonday 05 February, 2018

In the studio with Anne Paceo

10 years of collaboration between Anne Paceo and the Laborie Jazz Label. Four albums already, plus two Victoires de la Musique, an ADAMI Talent, BNP Paribas Foundation Artist, recently elected “2017 Best Musician” by a jury composed of media personalities specialized in Jazz from several European countries that deliberated for the...Lire la suite
laborie-jazz-in-chinaWednesday 31 January, 2018

Laborie Jazz in China

Since 2016, LABORIE Jazz has been physically and digitally distributed in China, but also in Taïwan, Hong Kong and Macao through its partner STARSING MUSIC. This representation now comes with setting up 2 to 3 week Tours, the Label focusing on a regular tour every 6 months. Last October, pianist Lorenzo NACCARATO’s Trio was able to play 8...Lire la suite
laborie-jazz-a-phonographic-producer-but-not-onlyWednesday 31 January, 2018

Laborie Jazz, a phonographic producer... but not only...

In a diversification of its activity, but also and above all in its role of accompanying artists and career development, the LABORIE Label has just started its activity as event promoter after obtaining its licenses last September. This activity will first push forward 3 composing artists on the Label, pianist Lorenzo Naccarato, guitarist Benjamin...Lire la suite
sector-contract-contemporary-music-light-musicWednesday 31 January, 2018

Sector contract - Contemporary Music & Light Music

Under the Contemporary Music and Light Music Sector Contract signed on 1st September 2017, the Nouvelle-Aquitaine region, the National Center for Songs, Popular Music and Jazz and the State have created an innovative Fund, endowed with €280,000 aimed at helping the operators of contemporary music and popular music of the Nouvelle-Aquitaine...Lire la suite
happy-new-year-2018Sunday 07 January, 2018

Happy new year 2018

paul-lay-crush-of-the-charles-cros-academyThursday 23 November, 2017

Paul Lay, Crush of the Charles Cros Academy !

 /// NO TRANSLATION AVAILABLE ///    La proclamation des Coups de cœur de L'Académie Charles Cros a eu lieu ce lundi 20 novembre 2017 à 18h dans l'émission « Open Jazz » d'Alex Dutilh sur France Musique. Parmi les lauréats du Grand Prix Jazz et du Prix in honorem jazz,...Lire la suite
media-already-listening-to-monaTuesday 05 September, 2017

Media already listening to "MONA"

 /// NO TRANSLATION AVAILABLE ///  Alors même que le nouvel album "MONA" d'Elodie Pasquier n'est pas encore sorti, ce sont déjà de belles chroniques qui fleurissent dans la presse spécialisée !   Jazz News 2 pages consacrées à Elodie Pasquier dans le prochain numéro du 15...Lire la suite
india-tour-china-tour-for-lorenzo-naccarato-trioWednesday 23 August, 2017

India Tour + China Tour for Lorenzo Naccarato Trio

 /// NO TRANSLATION AVAILABLE ///  En pleine préparation de leur 2ème album « Nova Rupta », à paraitre sur Laborie Jazz au printemps 2018, le pianiste compositeur Lorenzo Naccarato, entouré par ses deux compagnons Benjamin Naud et Adrien Rodriguez, vont se plonger dans une actualité...Lire la suite
mona-first-album-of-elodie-pasquier-release-on-september-8Wednesday 23 August, 2017

« Mona », first album of Elodie Pasquier, release on september 8 !

 /// NO TRANSLATION AVAILABLE ///  Comment une œuvre musicale peut elle avoir autant de résonnance dans la traduction d'une âme, d'une personnalité aussi profonde ? Si Élodie Pasquier présente et expose un univers personnel qui se distingue immédiatement aux premières notes, son voyage...Lire la suite
signature-of-the-current-music-and-varieties-contract-in-nouvelle-aquitaineWednesday 23 August, 2017

Signature of the "Current Music and Varieties" Contract in Nouvelle-Aquitaine

 /// NO TRANSLATION AVAILABLE ///  Le vendredi 1er septembre aura lieu, à Biarritz, la signature du Contrat de Filière "Musiques Actuelles et Variétés" en Nouvelle-Aquitaine, en présence de : - Françoise Nyssen, Ministre de la Culture,- Alain Rousset, Président de la région...Lire la suite
general-assembly-of-the-sppf-new-board-of-directorsTuesday 27 June, 2017

General Assembly of the SPPF: New Board of Directors

 /// NO TRANSLATION AVAILABLE ///    Un nouveau Conseil d’Administration reflétant toute la diversité de la production indépendante. L’Assemblée Générale annuelle de la SPPF s’est tenue hier. Une recomposition du Conseil d’Administration s’est...Lire la suite
paul-lay-on-board-the-queen-mary-2-for-the-bridgeFriday 23 June, 2017

Paul Lay on board the Queen Mary 2 for THE BRIDGE !

 /// NO TRANSLATION AVAILABLE ///  Invité à bord et associé à la programmation, Paul Lay, lauréat du prix Django Reinhardt 2016, compositeur de l’hymne THE BRIDGE, se réjouit de mêler les formes d’expression autour du jazz. À 32 ans, ce pianiste, qui vient de sortir son double album salué par la presse - The Party...Lire la suite
immerse-yourself-in-elodie-pasquier-s-solo-universe-a-whole-worldFriday 02 June, 2017

Immerse yourself in Elodie Pasquier's "Solo" universe ... a whole world !

 /// NO TRANSLATION AVAILABLE ///  A la découverte du superbe « MONA » très prochainement (sortie 1er septembre 2017) plongez dans l'univers « Solo » d'Elodie Pasquier... tout un monde ! Ce qu' Elodie Pasquier dessine à grand renfort de vifs remous et de grandes cascades, c'est un...Lire la suite
sun-dew-heloise-lefebvre-paul-audoynaud-the-press-listening-a-real-discoveryWednesday 31 May, 2017

SUN DEW - Héloïse Lefebvre & Paul Audoynaud : the press listening ... a real discovery

 /// NO TRANSLATION AVAILABLE ///  Nouvel album d'Héloïse Lefebvre et Paul Audoynaud "Sun Dew", sortie 12 mai 2017.   Les premiers retours sont unanimes sur le fait que ce nouveau Sextet, sous la direction d'Héloïse Lefebvre & Paul Audoynaud, est une belle et vraie découverte en soi. Le climat...Lire la suite
anne-paceo-circles-as-part-of-the-sacem-sceneMonday 01 May, 2017

Anne Paceo / Circles as part of the Sacem Scene

 /// NO TRANSLATION AVAILABLE ///    Lundi 15 mai à 20h, Anne Paceo / Circles sera en concert dans le cadre de la Scène Sacem   Le Pan Piper 2-4 impasse Lamier, 75011 Paris Philippe-Auguste (ligne 2) / Père Lachaise (ligne 3) / Voltaire ou Charonne (ligne 9)   La batteuse/compositrice...Lire la suite
laborie-jazz-day-1-may-18-in-limogesSunday 23 April, 2017

Laborie Jazz Day #1, may 18, in Limoges

 /// NO TRANSLATION AVAILABLE ///  Le jeudi 18 mai aura lieu le premier "Laborie Jazz Day" au Foyer de l'Opéra Théâtre de Limoges, avec deux concerts d'artistes de jazz de renom.   • 17h : MATHIEU TAROT QUARTET Installé pendant quelques années en Limousin Mathieu Tarot a su convaincre par son...Lire la suite
back-to-the-jazzahead-in-bremen-germany-from-27-to-30-aprilThursday 13 April, 2017

Back to the Jazzahead! in Bremen (Germany) from 27 to 30 April

 /// NO TRANSLATION AVAILABLE ///  Cette année encore, le Label Laborie Jazz sera présent du 27 au 30 avril au Salon Jazzahead! à Brême en Allemagne, aux côtés de plus de 50 exposants sur le stand France (6C26). Rendez-vous incontournable de la scène jazz internationale, Jazzahead! est...Lire la suite
paul-lay-s-box-the-press-listening-passionateFriday 17 February, 2017

Paul Lay's box : The Press listening... passionate !

 /// NO TRANSLATION AVAILABLE ///  Coffret double album de Paul Lay "Alcazar Memories" + "The Party", sortie 17 février 2017.   Libération Le pianiste Paul Lay tire son chapeau au réalisateur du film The Party (Blake Edwards) et son épingle du jeu. Qu’on se le dise : un crack enflamme le...Lire la suite
nasheet-waits-in-liberation-to-start-his-tourTuesday 10 January, 2017

Nasheet Waits in Liberation to start his tour!

 /// NO TRANSLATION AVAILABLE ///  Nasheet Waits en novembre 2014 au festival Eclats d'Email Jazz Edition / Théâtre de l'Union.Photo Sébastien Arico   Sideman pour de nombreuses figures de la scène jazz, l’éclectique batteur new-yorkais sort un second disque sous son nom. Avant deux concerts en...Lire la suite
nasheet-waits-equality-in-the-shopsFriday 04 November, 2016

Nasheet Waits Equality in the shops

 /// NO TRANSLATION AVAILABLE ///  Le nouvel album de Nasheet Waits Equality "Between nothingness and infinity" est enfin sorti ! A 45 ans, ce batteur parmi les plus influents du jazz actuel s’inscrit dans l’évolution d’un jeu de batterie plein, subtil, fougueux, bien en dehors des codes...Lire la suite
itamar-borochov-presents-his-new-album-in-europeWednesday 02 November, 2016

Itamar Borochov presents his new album in Europe

 /// NO TRANSLATION AVAILABLE ///    Après avoir été gratifié de nombreuses récompenses depuis la sortie de "Boomerang" le 7 octobre dernier (Révélation Jazz Magazine / Hit Couleurs Jazz / Immanquable Djam / Elu Citizen Jazz), ainsi que de belles chroniques dans la presse...Lire la suite
the-laborie-jazz-label-at-the-china-shanghai-international-arts-festivalTuesday 11 October, 2016

The Laborie Jazz Label at the China Shanghai International Arts Festival

 /// NO TRANSLATION AVAILABLE ///    Fondée en 1999, le China Shanghai International Arts Festival (CSIAF) est un festival annuel international organisé par le ministère chinois de la Culture et initié par le gouvernement populaire municipal de Shanghai. Depuis 18 ans, le CSIAF met en avant les arts de...Lire la suite
leila-martial-baabel-on-all-levelsThursday 29 September, 2016

Leïla Martial "Baabel" on all levels

 /// NO TRANSLATION AVAILABLE ///    A la veille de la sortie du nouvel album "Baabel" de Leïla Martial, nous sommes heureux de dévoiler en avant première le clip du titre "Ombilic", sous la réalisation et montage de Valentine Poutignat.   Le disque, qui sort ce vendredi 30 septembre, sera la...Lire la suite
first-independant-labels-market-in-parisFriday 23 September, 2016

First « Independant Labels Market » in Paris

 /// NO TRANSLATION AVAILABLE ///    La SPPF organise, le samedi 1er octobre 2016, à l’Espace des Blancs Manteaux, au cœur du marais à Paris, la première édition française du « Marché des Labels Indépendants » soit une déclinaison de l’ «...Lire la suite
leading-trade-agreementFriday 09 September, 2016

Leading trade agreement

 /// NO TRANSLATION AVAILABLE ///  Le label Laborie Jazz vient de réaliser une première parmi les labels français, tous répertoires confondus : la signature d’un contrat de distribution exclusive, physique et numérique, avec la Chine, depuis le 18 août dernier et ce avec la...Lire la suite
recording-of-the-new-opus-of-elodie-pasquierFriday 12 August, 2016

Recording of the new Opus of Elodie Pasquier

 /// NO TRANSLATION AVAILABLE ///  L'enregistrement du nouvel Opus d’Elodie Pasquier « Mona » a eu lieu du 2 au 7 août au Studio Sextan. Un album d’une sincérité absolue, une traduction de la vie, une Elodie Pasquier entourée et accompagnée de quatre esprits, tous ouverts et...Lire la suite
anne-paceo-artist-of-the-year-2016Thursday 14 July, 2016

Anne Paceo "Artist of the year 2016"!

After her « Victoire du Jazz in 2011 » in the category Instrumental Revelation (price Frank Ténot), Anne Paceo takes a new Victoire du Jazz in the category “Artist of the year” which rewards her work as a composer with her band “Circles”, the eponymous album, her French and international tour in 2016 and...Lire la suite
the-upfi-general-meetingThursday 30 June, 2016

The UPFI General meeting

  The UPFI General meeting (Union des Producteurs Phonographiques Français Indépendants) took place on Monday 20th of June and has proceeded to the election of members for the board of directors. Here are the people elected : • AT(H)OME : Stéphane LAÏCK• BECAUSE MUSIC : Emmanuel de BURETEL•...Lire la suite
lorenzo-naccarato-exported-in-japanThursday 16 June, 2016

Lorenzo Naccarato exported in Japan

  We just signed a Licence with our partner INPARTMAINT Inc. in Japan for the band Lorenzo Naccarato Trio under the direction of Takashi Nishino.   The album will be released under the Label AGATE / LABORIE Jazz.   A Tour in Asia 2017 and many concerts abroad are in progress for this Trio which attracts more and more...Lire la suite
anne-paceo-nominated-for-the-victoires-du-jazz-2016Tuesday 14 June, 2016

Anne Paceo nominated for the Victoires du Jazz 2016!

Yesterday night on FIP, the nominees for the Victoires du Jazz 2016 were officially revealed. It is with great pleasure that Anne Paceo is nominated under the category “Artist of the year”, for the album “Circles”, released on January 29th 2016.   The nominees for the Victoires du Jazz 2016 are: Category "Artist or...Lire la suite
anne-paceo-on-rfiFriday 27 May, 2016

Anne Paceo on RFI

  Before seeing Anne Paceo & Circles for their concert at the festival « Jazz à la Défense » and before a series of concert in Ukraine, come and listen to    the Alain Pilot’s show « la Bande passante »on Monday 13th June at 7pm10. « La Bande passante », a place where...Lire la suite
double-recording-for-paul-lay-in-juneMonday 23 May, 2016

Double recording for Paul Lay in June

  After « Unveiling » in 2010 and « Mikado » in 2014, Paul Lay will record two new albums on the label Laborie Jazz at the Studio Sextan under Boris Darley’s stewardship for two new ensembles. “Alcazar Memories” from the 30th May to the 3rd of June with Isabel Sörling as the singer and Simon...Lire la suite
co-production-for-the-new-clip-lilia-by-pascal-schumacherTuesday 17 May, 2016

Co-production for the new clip "Lilia" by Pascal Schumacher

  Come and discover Pascal Schumacher’s « Left Tokyo Right » on the theme Lilia (Milton Nascimento – produced by Joachim Olaya). A beautiful album for more than one reason, the band continues its way with wonderful meetings attending them this summer.   To be noted on your tablets : - 25/06/16...Lire la suite
leila-martial-reveals-her-new-album-with-a-clip-and-on-stageTuesday 10 May, 2016

Leïla Martial reveals her new album with a clip and on stage

  We are starting to reveal Leïla Martial’s new album “Baabel” with her band Baa Box (release on 30th of September).   On tour- 26th of may at the Astrada - Marciac - l27th of mai at the Dynamo de Banlieue Bleue - Pantin  with Emile Parisien.   With the electronic explorations, the use of voices in all...Lire la suite
today-april-30th-it-is-the-international-jazz-daySaturday 30 April, 2016

Today April 30th, it is the International Jazz Day

In 2011, during its general meeting, UNESCO proclaimed April 30th for each year as International Jazz Day.     « Jazz gave music to the courage that drove the civil rights movement in the United States, and it continues to provide inspiration to millions of people across the world, seeking freedom, fighting for respect and human...Lire la suite
30-years-old-gregoire-gensse-passed-away-on-sunday-24th-april-2016Monday 25 April, 2016

30 years old. Grégoire Gensse passed away on Sunday, 24th April 2016

  The tornado, the idea shaker, the sensitive and tireless Greg left us, the second ORTIE will not bloom. His compositions with Elodie Pasquier moved me deeply and the encounter was extraordinary, these moments that enrich a person’s life and make it so beautiful. The entire team of the label Laborie Jazz joins the family, Elodie, his...Lire la suite
presence-at-jazzahead-in-bremen-germany-from-21-to-24-aprilWednesday 06 April, 2016

Presence at Jazzahead! in Bremen (Germany) from 21 to 24 April

 /// NO TRANSLATION AVAILABLE ///  Le Label Laborie Jazz sera présent du 21 au 24 avril au Salon Jazzahead! à Brême en Allemagne. Jazzahead! est un rendez-vous incontournable de la scène jazz internationale. Depuis sa première en 2006, l'événement est un haut point d'exposition et de...Lire la suite
invitation-for-the-private-concert-of-heloise-lefebvreThursday 31 March, 2016

Invitation for the private concert of Héloïse Lefebvre

On the eve of Héloïse Lefebvre’s first recording album on the label Laborie Jazz, Sextan and Laborie Jazz invite you for the private concert on the 15th of April 2016, 8.30pm (opening doors at 8 o’clock). Come discover a very personal universe bursting with jazz, rock and classical music at the Studio Sextan (10, rue...Lire la suite
paul-lay-the-django-reinhardt-prize-of-the-jazz-academy-2016Wednesday 09 March, 2016

Paul Lay: The Django-Reinhardt prize of the Jazz Academy, 2016

  The Jazz Academy celebrated its 60th birthday at the “Théâtre du Châtelet” on February 8th, an exceptional evening which awards each year talented artists in the world of jazz. This year welcomes 8 laureates of the Django-Reinhardt Prize who gathered to play a unique music after playing as a trio, a quartet or a...Lire la suite
our-artists-on-jazz-todayTuesday 08 March, 2016

Our artists on Jazz Today

Jazz Today! Is a brand new digital compilation, released by IDOL on the 4th of March, to present in an honest and concise way the jazz artists nowadays. Away from Chicago’s cellars, from Bebop or from New Orleans, in Jazz Today! There are the current mainstays of modern jazz. Forget about the stainless standards and welcome today’s jazz...Lire la suite
laborie-and-la-fourmiMonday 29 February, 2016

Laborie and La Fourmi

Having worked with its artists throughout the year 2015, Laborie was delighted when the released of the albums was scheduled for 2016... La Fourmi in Limoges will welcome successively Perrine Mansuy on the 8th of March, Anne Paceo on the 15th and Lorenzo Naccarato on the 22nd who will present their new album on stage, albums released on the label...Lire la suite

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