To say it right away, is the mess, the mess of an avant-garde whose music would have gone well, mixing a mixture of delusional mercantilism, liquidation of value, technological goinfrerie, institutional supervision political perversity, forced uberisation, burial of language (Adieu!), advice of discipline, subordination to images without tails, without heads and stomachs, poisonous calculators, vertiginous loss of meaning. And then there are here and there flashes, resistances, flashes, noses, peanuts pouting, questions, answers, lurching, accompaniments, solos not sorry, friendships without patrols, (sun) rays of discs, insolent downpours, heart-throbs, blood shots, soul eyes. But the staff has drawn no map and to find it, no laziness: we breathe, we continue.
So the Jazz Fans, who had proposed in 2005 a series of conversations entitled The Future of the Record, to rebuild, having also found that their firebrands were often rebelled, returned to the scene of their crime cause loud and clear and as everyone and each wanted it (silence of lead to the breakage) for the days Save the music, for what? November 7, 8 and 9, 2018.
A recent book ventures into the lands of the musical Underground in France until 1979, on the eve of a great upheaval that knew others and that we struggle to touch with taste today so well that it was a question asked many times during these Avignonnaise days: "What happened? ". One could also say "What did we let go? To find us so naked but so little wild. Musicians, musicians, independant producers, record shops, researchers, journalists, essayists, critics, anthropologists, sound engineers, filmmakers, organizers, organizers, photographers and even a duck.
This review - indispensable complement of issue 37 of the Journal Les Allumés du Jazz published in October 2018 in advance of meetings - offers excerpts from what was said in Avignon, remarks and later reflections, comments and reflections imagined and sometimes drawn , photographed and a good player spirit knowing take the roundabouts of music in all directions.
Available on this date at all good record stores
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