Héloïse Lefebvre / Paul Audoynaud

Thanks to violinist Héloïse Lefebvre who was trained in Tours (France), we can discover another facet of an instrument seldom played in Jazz but clearly identified by its fans and players. A highly specific technique that marks this recording and the group’s expression on stage.
As for Paul Audoynaud, he distills a very variable guitar play, very elegant and here again very melodic with an extremely wide-ranging repertoire.
Both have lived in Berlin for 5 years, thus showing a genuine will to leave their country in order to discover, meet and exchange. They have very quickly been able to capture and assemble a subtle mix of artistic influences in a city that has been experiencing, for a few years now, a huge cultural and musical ferment.
Métisse Music
Tel : +33 (0)1 40 59 04 73